Grants awarded by BHHCT
The Trust has so far given £4.2 million in grants for repair and restoration of churches and chapels in Beds and Herts.
In 2023-24, £114,350 was awarded to 19 churches.
Grants awarded in previous years:
- BHHCT grants awarded 2022-23 are below
- BHHCT grants awarded 2021-2022
- BHHCT grants awarded 2020-2021
- BHHCT grants awarded 2019-2020
Church of the month
In 2023-24 the Trust awarded St Mary Magdalene Church, Roxton a grant of £10,000 to help with the cost of re-ordering the church interior and with electrical repairs.
The church is widely used by the community - including a weekly breakfast club, as well as for regular worship.
Pictured are the remains of the painted timber medieval rood screen.
Grants awarded in 2023-24
Here are some churches that the Trust supported in 2023-24. Our Grants Secretary would be pleased to hear from churches interested in receiving help.