Supporting and celebrating churches and chapels since 1991

The Trust was established in 1991 to raise funds for the repair of churches and chapels in Beds, Herts and part of Barnet.

Our money comes from subscriptions, donations, fundraising and our annual "Bike 'n Hike" on the second Saturday of September when hundreds of churches are open for visits by sponsored riders and walkers.

The Trust has so far awarded £4.2 million in grants. See more on our Campaign page and Legacy leaflet

St Mary's church, Ware - awarded a grant of £10,000

St Mary's church, Ware - awarded a grant of £10,000

Our Trustees

Chairman: Madeline Russell

Madeline has been a Trustee since 2014, and became Chairman in 2024 when Canon Malcolm Grant retired. She also leads the organisation of the Trust's main annual fundraising event - the Bike 'n Hike and previously served the Trust in other roles, standing in as Treasurer during a testing time of change to the Trust's financial arrangements.

Chairman, Madeline Russell

Chairman, Madeline Russell

Secretary: The Revd Canon Lynda Klimas

Lynda took on the role of Secretary in the Autumn of 2024 and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of the care of churches. She has recently retired from full time ministry.


Treasurer: Trevor Groom

Trevor was appointed as a Trustee and to the role of Treasurer in September 2022.

Trustee, Trevor Groom

Trustee, Trevor Groom

Trustee: Richard Genochio

Richard is a former Chairman of the Trust and led on the establishment of the Endowment Fund. 

Trustee, Richard Genochio

Trustee, Richard Genochio

Trustee: Dr Christopher Green

Christopher Green was a founding Trustee and the Trust's first Treasurer. He was Chairman of the Trust 2006-2009 and has been Chairman of the St Albans Diocesan Advisory Committee for many years.

Trustee, Christopher Green

Trustee, Christopher Green

Trustee: Andrew Lambourne

Andrew was appointed as a Trustee in 2024 and has taken on the role of Grants Secretary. Between 2017 and 2021 Andrew led the Heritage Project which raised over £1m for the restoration work to save St Leonard's Flamstead from closure due to beetle and rot in the medieval roof timbers and eroded stonework around clerestory windows. He understands first-hand the challenges faced by those caring for the priceless legacy which church buildings represent.

Trustee, Andrew Lambourne

Trustee, Andrew Lambourne

Trustee: Richard North

Appointed as a Trustee in 2024 Richard had been the Bike ’n Hike Treasurer since 2010 and also acts as Gift Aid Secretary for the Trust. He is also the Area Organiser for Berkhamsted. A former Church Treasurer and PCC Secretary at St Mary's Northchurch, Richard now spends much of his time on researching local history and is the treasurer of both Berkhamsted Castle Trust and Berkhamsted Local History & Museum Society. 

Trustee, Richard North

Trustee, Richard North

Trustee: Archie Russell

Archie, a retired Architect,  served as the Trust's Grants Secretary for many years and continues as a Trustee.

Trustee: Mark Newbery

Mark was appointed a Trustee in 2024 and has taken on the role of Friends and Supporters Secretary. Having lived in both Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire for many years he has a loyalty to both counties represented by the Trust, and as a bellringer, has the opportunity  to visit many of the churches.

Trustee, Mark Newbery

Trustee, Mark Newbery